Wednesday, July 19, 2017


As many of you know, my grandfather owned a grocery store till I was seven. I could run the cash register. I knew what things cost. A piece of bubble gum was a penny. A candy bar was 5 cents. A pack of chewing gum was also a nickel. 

What has brought all this to mind is Sunday, I did something I should not have done.

I ate an ice cream sandwich. As I got it out of Mother's freezer, I noticed how much smaller it was than I remembered. I felt sorta like I was eating Mr. and Mrs. Ice Cream Sandwich's child. I mentioned this to Mother and she said this was the normal size now. However; you could buy little ones (!). Mr. and Mrs. Ice Cream Sandwich's baby??

Have you noticed that a stick of gum is smaller now? So are candy bars. And the 5 cent candy bar is now over a dollar. What there is of it.

A nickel bag of potato chips, same. I don't think you can buy bubble gum by the piece anymore.

Other things are smaller, too. A loaf of bread, for instance. The slices are smaller. 

Even newspapers are smaller. Remember how you used to have to stretch your arms way out to hold it to read? Not so much anymore. Plus, you have to be very lucky to even find a newspaper anymore. I am so grateful our local paper keeps publishing.

So, the real question is this: If everything junk food wise is smaller, why is everyone still getting bigger? And not in a good way either.

Well, our wallets are slimmer. 

That's something, I guess.

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