Thursday, April 6, 2017

What? I can't say ! What is that? I can't see it.

Well, as we say here in Appalachia, I been real sick.

Husband had it first - respiratory, drifting into bronchitis. Then Daughter had it, sans bronchitis.

Then it was my turn, with bronchitis and laryngitis.

As soon as you stop all your corny jokes about how that sure did give Husband a well earned vacation from all my yakking, consider this:

I can't hear well, so he has to be in close proximity to speak. I can't see well without  my glasses, so if I'm reading, he has to get close for me to see. And with the ability to speak only in a whisper for five days, guess how close he had to be to hear me? 

I guess he ain't as lucky as you thought.

But all things pass, and I woke up with a voice yesterday. 

I still ain't at full throttle, so don't expect any yodeling any time soon.

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