Monday, October 13, 2014

I Want It!

Remember things you wanted as a child so badly you could taste them?

Oh, I remember things, especially particular dolls - Patty Play Pal, Betsy Wetsy, and all the cuddly baby like ones I could see.

I played with cowboys and Indians, marbles, ball and all that boy stuff, too.

But the things I remember wanting the most are the things I never got.

One thing I wanted was a Raggedy Ann Doll. Badly.

So, my mother had our neighbor make one for me.

She was small and had green hair.


I tried to be graceful and thank her, for she was someone I liked a lot. I'm sure I thanked my mother, too. I have no idea what happened to that doll.

I wanted the real one.

I've made up for it, sorta.

On two occasions, I have found two antique-looking rag dolls that I have purchased:

Ain't they cute?

Another thing I wanted soooo badly was a pedal car. One of my friends had one. His was a fire engine. I didn't care what one was, if I only had one.

I never got one, and now, where they heck would I put it if I had it.

But husband drew some for me:

I named them, "Road Trip!", "Away We Go!", and "Put the pedal to the Medal!"
We were going to make bookmarks and call the series "A Trip Down Memory Lane".
But we never had the extra cash laying around, so it's one of those projects that might happen later.
The only other thing I can think of I yearned for and never got was a pony.
On that one, I ain't holding my breath.

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