Looking back over memory making as a family, I can think of a lot of things:
We have taken Daughter to the zoo, the circus, the aquarium, the fair, the ocean, a virgin forest. We've eaten at the Dixie Stampede, she's been on a cruise ship, a motor boat and a paddle boat. We've eaten at great restaurants, seen plays and gone to concerts. She's been on a hay ride, gathered eggs, petted sheep, ridden horses and sat on an elephant. We've been inside butterfly houses, old mansions, beautiful churches and wide open spaces.
But one of my fondest memories comes from a few days without electricity after an ice storm.
It was getting dark, and the electricity still was off, so we dragged Daughter's double mattress down the stairs and put it in the floor, up against the couch in front of the fireplace.
As the three of us lay there, we talked. We'd left one lantern on, and it made a circle of light upon the ceiling.
Somebody did a dog shadow puppet within the circle of light, and the next thing you know, a show began.
Now, I am a strict amateur. I can do close to nothing when it comes to shadow puppets. Daughter was surprisingly adept.
Ah, but Husband stole the show, hands down. (No pun intended). As you know, he is an artist. He sketches and paints and given a lump of clay can make a bulldog's scowling face or an ancient oil lamp from Roman times.
Talk about being able to work with your hands: bears, giraffes, elephants, dogs, butterflies, birds, trees, a peacock.
We probably spent an hour in this endeavor.
Then we snuggled under our many quilts, said a quiet good-night and slept well.
Yep, that is one of my fondest memories.
What's one of yours?
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