Yesterday afternoon I went to a book signing. I had talked to the lady over the phone and had her book, so I was anxious to get her to sign it. She had also mentioned she wanted my books.
She signed hers, I gave her a copy of "Out on a Limb of the Family Tree" and she purchased a copy of "Signs from God".
We promised that we would give each other a copy of our new books coming out, and I hurried away to speak at night school at a life skills course.
A friend had asked me to do this, given my old mental health experience, and as I hadn't done anything like that in a long time, (say 13 years or so) I agreed.
The book signing was like having on my new dress. Exciting and shiny.
Talking and listening in a group setting to several young ladies was like slipping into warm, comfortable pajamas. All the skills and intuitive stuff came right back, as though I'd last done a group the day before.
I enjoyed both events, felt fulfilled by both of them.
Ain't it strange how we are who we are for however long we are here on this old earth?
Wouldn't mind doing either one again.
But I will say this: the group wrung me out, as though I'd worked twelve hours instead of an hour and a half. And of course, I paid for it with a good deal of pain from sitting that long.
It felt good, though, to know I had done some good.
The first task was for me. The second for them.
A good day, I'd say.
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