Monday, February 3, 2014

Losing Weight

Do you have any idea how difficult it was to type the name of the post without falling off my chair due to laughing so hard?

This is the month of my birthday. Husband (as mentioned in a previous blog) always gets an Italian Cream cake for me. I get one a year, so I deserve it, right?

I also got a free birthday coupon from Ruby Tuesday. That would be two red velvet cupcakes.

And a free desert from Copeland's, also known as the Cheesecake Factory. 

Need I say more?

Got another free one for a desert from Caraba's, the most bestest wonderfulest place to eat in the world.

My walking routine has been kaput for some months due to my illness, rain, cold, rain, cold, ice, snow, rain.

Lose weight?

I'd have a better chance of winning the lottery.

Without buying a ticket.

I think I read somewhere that people used to swallow some kind of worm to lose weight.

I don't know what kind of worm, and I plan on keeping it that way.

If I thought about it enough, I might lose a few pounds anyway, cause that's, like, gross.

I have this war inside anyway.

I'm gonna be s- six - older in a few days, so what difference does it make if I need to lose a dozen pounds? Am I going to put on a bikini?  Lord, no.  Am I entering a beauty contest? Nope. Do I need to snare me another man? Ain't looking. And even if I was, if he couldn't take a dozen extra pounds, I'd look right over him.

On the other hand, I miss my favorite pair of blue jeans actually zipping up while I'm standing.  And I figure a dozen less pounds would be good for my back and knees, not to mention my vanity.

What to do, what to do.

I'll decide when all the cake is gone.

I'll keep you posted.


  1. That would be tapeworms, that were used for weight loss. can grow to enormous lengths, latch onto your insides, illegal for diet pills now.
    Were always tooooooo gross to be considered. :)
    If you find the secret, let me know.
    Full figured in Ohio

    1. Dear Full Figured in Ohio: Just now saw the comment. I'll let you know when I discover the secret. I'm on the brink now, I just know it!
