Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Book Club!

I've always wanted - longed, actually - to be a part of a book club. It sounds so sophisticated, so urban, so posh.

Yesterday I finally got to attend a book club meeting.

The discussion was about the book, "Out on a Limb of the Family Tree" by Kathi Harper Hill.

Hey! That's me!  Wow, just wow!!!!

Some were in the process of reading the book, one person had not read it at all, and others had completed the book.

I was one of the ones who had finished the book. But just barely. I thought I'd never get that sucker finished.

However; I've read it since I finished writing it, and if I do say so myself, it's a pretty good book. IF: a. you like Appalachia b: you like southern humor and c: you enjoy reading about generations of family and their relationships with one another.

It's not a mystery book, or a whodunit, or a love story. Unless you consider the love of family, then it is a love story.

So, like, I thought I might be on the hot seat, but that really didn't happen. There was lively discussion, lots of laughter, and really intelligent questions.

I could even answer some of them.


They were kind enough to let me read from the first chapter of my new book (not out yet), "The Year of Nine: Where the Rain Begins".

They laughed while I read.

One can only hope they were laughing at the contents in the sense that they thought it was amusing and not "she actually thinks this book will sell?"

It was hard to believe an hour and a half  had passed and it was time to pack up and leave.

Who knows?

Maybe they'll let me come back again when my new book comes out.

Meanwhile, I think I''ll enjoy being a part of the audience.

I bet you'll see how much more sophisticated I am the next time we run into each other.

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