I love to play games: cards, Trivial Pursuit, Quirkel, Scrabble, Dizzios, Shoots and Ladders, Candy Land, Chinese Checkers, you name it.
Husband, in his lofty, snooty voice informs me, "I don't play games."
Well, la de dah.
Daughter will play stuff with me, and she actually enjoys it.
I have started playing Scrabble online.
I don't really care if I get beat or if I win when I'm playing online.
I think it's because I get really stinky combos of letters, plus it's hard to concentrate and get all strategic when you are playing a bunch of games at once and can't really study the board all that much.
When Daughter was little, I was the parent who showed no mercy when we were playing games. Husband was the parent who let her win every time. We figured that would teach her how to play competitively without crushing her ego.
Sometimes our church has fun nights and we play all sorts of games. When my Sunday School class comes to my house to eat, we always wind up playing a game called "Catch Phrase."
If we had close neighbors, they would probably call the police because we get really, really rowdy.
I also like to be introduced to new games.
I hope it keeps my brain from getting any older than it already is, headed in its downward spiral toward "Who are you, again?" phase.
So, I ask you, where does that leave Husband?
Don't ask him, he won't remember.
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