Saturday, January 19, 2019

Bless My Heart

You know how folks say we ourselves are our own worst enemies? 

Well, I believe it, after the episodes I've pulled lately.

Firstly, the other night I went to bed and could not get comfortable. It seemed the longer I lay there, the  more pain I was in - my back, my legs and feet. Plus, I just didn't feel right. 

Finally, around 2:00 a.m. a teeny tiny light bulb came on above my head and I realized I had not taken my night medications. Nothing for the neuropathy and especially my blood pressure medications. I got up, took my blood pressure (which was up). My drinking glass was dry, a good hint. So I took my night medications, woke Daughter up (there's no point in waking Husband up, he wouldn't remember it) and said, "If I die it's because I've overdosed on blood pressure medications, but don't worry, I didn't." 

She raised her head off the pillow and squinted at me. I don't know if this is because she didn't have on her glasses, or because I'd woke her up, or because she thought I'd finally  lost my marbles.

Perhaps all three.

Then, a few days later, I worked in the studio till dark. I knew I'd sat too long as I could no longer feel much from the knees down, but I'd been working on something I thought pretty important. I called the house for Husband to come with a flashlight and walk me back to the house.

Now, I have a heat pad that sits on the floor to rest my feet on, and that helps. I'd had my shoes off with my feet resting on the pad. When Husband arrived, I felt around with my (numb) feet and slipped my shoes on. I shuffled to the door and commenced the walk back. Every step was agony. Each step was worse than the one before. It was awful.

When I got back to the house, I looked down and saw my shoes were on the wrong feet.

Well, that explained a lot.

Till next time!

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