Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Sitting Bear

Sounds sort of Indian(y) doesn't it? The feather kind, not the dot kind.

It all started yesterday afternoon when Daughter arrived from work. She'd stopped at the fast food junk supper store and was unloading her goodies when she hollered, "Mama, come'ere!  BEAR!"

I got there mighty quick for a cripple, let me tell you.

And sure enough there was a big old bear, sitting himself down to supper. 

Husband had recently put fresh birdseed on the sundial. Now, bears have never bothered this before. We think what did the trick was he added sunflower seeds to the mix for the Cardinals that live in the yellow belle bush, that you see to the bear's right.

Daughter and I were frantically rushing from window to window, to get better photos. I went upstairs to her room, opened a window and screen and hung out the window. I made a kissy noise so he'd look up, which he did, curious.

He ate a little bit, laid himself down under the yellow belle for a few to rest, then ate some more. When he got done, he proceeded to drink from the bird bath.

 We were all excited! But then it hit us. Husband was out behind the garage, in the studio. The bear had gone behind the house, but then wound his way up and walked down the driveway, straight toward where Husband was. I started praying that God would protect Husband and have the door closed! We waited till the bear got out of sight, then hurried to Daughter's car, which was parked in front of the house, drove down to the garage and started blowing the horn. Then I got out of the car and rushed to the studio door. Husband was walking toward the door, to see what the horn blowing was about. I asked excitedly did he see the bear? He'd missed it. 

He missed a four hundred pound bear walk within twelve feet of him, right on the other side of a french door.


Anyway, I bet I don't have exciting company like that again for a while.

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