Thursday, March 15, 2018

Coming Soon!

So much is about to happen!

I am to pick up the CD demo in the morning for a listen. If it passes mustard, artwork will be done and the CD will be sent for duplication. YIKES! I'm usually not nervous about much, but this my friends, has me nervous. 

What if I stink? What will I do with all those CDs? A person only needs so many drink coasters.

This  means my next book is inching forward to completion. The timing never worries me, because: a. What does it matter? and b. God's timing is always perfect.


 April 19 at 10 a.m. I will speaking at the Captain James Kell Chapter of the NSDAR (National Society Daughters of the American Revolution). I am honored. It will be held at the Gilmer County Library. 


On April 21 I will again be honored to be a part of Gilmer Arts presenting Georgia Hall of Fame writer Terry Kay, who will be the keynote speaker this year for the  Gilmer Arts Meet the Author event held each spring.  A panel of authors, including me (stop laughing) will present.  Then story time, boys and girls, story time! The Kennesaw State University Story Tellers, and me (I said stop laughing) will lie up a storm as tales are regaled. You, dear reader, if so inspired, may also tell your tale. You have up to seven minutes. Imagine what you can do to the audience in seven minutes!  The grand finale will be Mr. Kay telling a story of his own.


On May 5 I will teach a Beginning to Write workshop (you're laughing again) at Gilmer Arts. More on this later. But mark your dance card, if you want to join us.

On June 11 I will be speaking at the Gilmer County Rotary Club at noon, located at Harrison Hall. I think this is a free event unless you want lunch. There is a fee for that. If you're hungry, contact the Rotary Club and ask the cost.  

I reckon I better start resting up. Never mind, that's all I've been doing for the past few weeks, but I'm finally better and ready to rock and roll. Or at least roll.

See ya!

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