Friday, June 23, 2017

Hello Again, Hello

So much has happened since I last blogged. I bet I've thought of 20 things to blog about, but of course, I was too busy to write any of it down  - and now, being of an old age - I can't remember a dang one of them.


Yankee Cousin has gone back home. We had a great time and I wish she could have stayed longer.

Maybe next year she can stay a whole two weeks.

I've taken Mother to many doc appointments, with more to come next week. I just hope we don't get lost again. That's a killer, and the story of my life.

YC helped me get the downstairs porch all purdy, which I've pined over for two years. Now it looks all nice. Thanks, YC!

Along with YC, she brought her brother and husband. I hadn't seen that cousin in 30 years. That's too long for family to stay apart. He says he's coming back next year. I hope he does.

Day Lilies are blooming, the garden is doing great. Rain is good for everything outside, but I feel sorta moldy.

I spoke at a place called Cameron Hall the other day. That was fun, and I sold a couple of books. Next week I'm speaking at the Senior Center for story telling time. Can't wait!

I guess that's all for now.

I hope to get back to my regularly scheduled blogging. If I could just stay home for a day...

I might just do it.


  1. Your daylilies are quite beautiful and encouraged me to plant a few of my own today before the rain. I believe I planted 75! But since I must drive by yours almost everyday, I had no choice! They have been my favorites for many years (in orange) and I had none here😕. Hopefully they will come up sometime this year!

    1. Day lilies are a favorite - we are planning to enlarge our plot of them. good work on your part!

  2. I finally found the place to comment. YEAAAAA, you know I am your number one fan so get to work and start writing a new book. I NEED ANOTHER ONE~~~~~

    1. Slave driver! Ha! I am working on two books, actually.
