Wednesday, January 6, 2016


Here we are in a new year. Happy New Year.

Winter has finally arrived, calendars are purchased, I want a fire in the fireplace.

Last night Husband and I were coming home and a coyote jumped off the bank in front of us. We missed him (or he missed us) by this much. He was gone into the bush, obviously after something. he was running full tilt, almost on the ground. If he ever even saw the car, he didn't acknowledge it. 

Boy, howdy. It was scary, but only after the fact.

We finally have our Christmas decorations up.  HA!

I ain't takin' 'em down for a few weeks. I'll get itchy and suddenly want shed of it all, but not yet.

I'm about to embark on drinking kefir. Pray for me. If you don't know what this stuff is, let's just say it's alive and supposed to balance all your bacteria and stuff in your gut. I've tried everything else for a little over two weeks, and nothing has cured me.

But I'm tied of being chained to the outhouse like a goose on cod liver oil, if you pardon the graphics. 

It's just gonna take a little getting used to eating something while it is still alive. I'm used to eatin' my food dead.

An x-ray has shown something else wrong with my back. But I can't deal with that till I fix my innards elsewhere.

I know there are  many people praying for me, which I appreciate more than anyone ever knows. May I take this moment to say thanks.

I sold thirty-four books in December, which is a lot considering I don't have a new book out. 

I am working on a book. Mostly at this point making notes because my studio doesn't have a bathroom.

I guess this bathroom stuff is "TMI", but heck, this is just between us, right?

And I have no vanity anymore. I guess the older one gets, the less one worries about what everyone else might think.

If I get any worse, Husband won't let me out of the house.

Or blog.

Oh, and speaking of that (sorta okay, not really),  I'm sure  you've already seen the headlines from last week where the woman in Wal-mart was riding around in one of their carts eating sushi, chicken and drinking wine. They finally had her arrested. I don't know if it was because she was drinking red wine instead of white with the chicken or what. 

I promise I won't do that, anyway. I ain't eatin' sushi, I am a teetotaler, and the bathrooms are too far away in Wal-Mart to be joy riding in a cart.

Plus, I really do want to keep blogging, you know.

I'd  miss you guys if I was in jail.

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