Friday, January 1, 2016

Angels We Have Heard on High and They are Singing Bass and Tenor

This has been bugging me for years.

Why, oh why, have we feminized angels? The Bible speaks of angels, Gabriel and Michael. They are warriors, not nannies.

Raphael (God Heals),  is an angel mentioned and accepted by Catholics, Anglicans and Lutherans, coming from a part of the Bible that is no longer included in the standard Bible we use at church, being Baptists.

All three of these are male spirits.

Interestingly, anything I've ever read about people seeing angels, usually near their death, they are always very large - bigger than male humans - usually blond, for some reason, and male.

So why can't I find a tree topper that is male?

And Cherubims? They (and Seraphim) aren't cute little chunky babies with wings. They are fierce animals that have many jobs; one being flying around the throne of God singing, "Holy, Holy, Holy!"

I've complained about this for years. In fact, one of the people with whom I used to work found a male Cherubim tree ornament (he had all his plumbing) and dared me to hang it on my tree, which I do every year. But he still looks like a baby, not a fierce animal with a man's face, a lion's face, an eagle's face, etc. I ain't scared of him a'tall.

I think we've feminized them for several reasons. Men are afraid of emotions, and for some reason, the word 'angel' stirs up a sweet, feminine emotional being in our heads. These messengers from God are anything but.

Don't get me wrong, women have very strong and important places in the church today, as they always have. But men are failing to do their part, fill their place, a lot. So, church is becoming more "feminine", too.

It would be just as wrong, just as bad, just as skewed, if women starting dropping out of church as men have done.

Lopsided either way ain't too pretty.

I know that God made male and female in His image. I'm as much like him as Husband.

But God has made himself a father figure because the male by nature wants to protect, provide and lift heavy stuff.

They're just made that way. That's a good thing.

Woman are different, not less, not more.
I don't want to be a man.

So, there.

At any rate, if you can find me a nice, masculine angel to decorate with next Christmas, let me know.

I'll go all girlie on you with thanks.

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