Tuesday, September 30, 2014

The Unseen Enemy

There are three unexplainable events that go on continuously in our home:

1. We have enough dirty laundry for at least six people. All the time. Even though I am chained to the washer and dryer daily.

2. We have enough trash in EVERY available waste basket, trash can, etc., all the time. At least enough trash for a family of nine.

3. We have enough dirty dishes to fill both dishwashers, both sinks, and possibly every available counter top in the kitchen every day. I do not own this many dishes. And I usually go to bed with a clean kitchen, left sparkling and pristine.

Who loathes me enough to do this?

What have I done to call down upon my head this misery of on-going torture?

What monster has the power of such onslaught, day after day after day?

Is our house haunted by a ghostly slob who revels in his (and it has to be a he, a female wouldn't be caught dead, pardon the pun, exhibiting such slovenly behavior) ability to rain havoc upon my cleanliness?

I am not even mentioning the way the bathrooms can sometimes look, or the thick layer of grime covering my furniture.

Where do I go for help? Who am I gonna call?

Ghost Dusters?

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