Friday, September 5, 2014

Secret Code

I'm sure at your house you have stuff you say to one another that others would have no idea what you meant if they were within hearing distance.

We talk about Maggie at our house like she's a dog. She's actually our  GPS system, and the poor girl doesn't always make the wisest decisions.

When something doesn't work anymore, we say:"It is D.E.D. dead ma'am." that comes from someone I once knew who said that, and I brought it home.

"I'm full as a bull." Meaning we have eaten almost too much. This comes from a little boy my mother kept who got someone being full of bull a little confused.

My husband has a habit of saying, "Good girl!" If one of us (Daughter or myself) has done something that pleases him. He also, of course, said that to Molly, our dog, all the time, and Daughter took umbrage with it. So, every time he exclaims, "Good girl!" to one of us, we respond, "Woof!"

Hasn't made a whit of different.

My husband has a way of saying something to me in mid-thought. Thus, I have no idea what he had started thinking about, since he didn't say that part out loud. I say, "What are you talking about, Mae Webb?" Because Ms. Webb was a lady who lived when I was a tiny child and apparently did that mid-thought thing a lot, and my family asked that to indicate they had no idea what you were talking about.

If we like a video, we yell, "Again!", which comes from the Baby Dinosaur on the defunct show, "Dinosaurs".

We say, "I lush you" instead of "I love you" sometimes, which comes from Husband's family.

If someone says "You make me sick." the automatic response is "You was already sick!" which comes from Husband's father, who always responded that way to him.

At our house, it is always, "Sleep good." NOT "Sleep well." When Husband and I first married, he told me to 'sleep good', and being the wild and crazy girl I am, I told him to 'sleep well.' He turned on  me like a top. "NO!" he exclaimed. "Mama and Daddy have always told us to all sleep good and I want us to do the same for each other and our kids."

And so we have.

If I get interrupted  one too many times while trying to read, I threaten, "I'm going to start reading this out loud!" which gets protests galore.

We may answer "Otay" instead of okay, and that comes from Petey Fisk in "Greater Tuna".

If one of us asks for help, as in "Make me a sandwich," the response is always, "Poof! You're a sandwich." This shows our compassionate side.

If one of us is eating something and we are asked if it tastes good, the reply may be, "It's goodern snuff."

Calling woodpeckers "wicker packers" and photo albums "Moxie Pounds" and "What's that racket-noise?" and "It's cuteful, don't you fink?" All come from Daughter's toddlerhood.

"I'm sweatin' like a sinner at revival!" Comes from a book I wrote in which a character said such.

And on and on.

Welcome to my family.  Hope you sleep good tonight.

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