Saturday, August 9, 2014

Something Old Something, Well, Old

I was sorta cleaning out the shelves in the refrigerator (only the front, I won't lie), when I noticed a crack in the plastic at the very front of the shelf.

This is where the heavy stuff like milk is held, so I guess someone (Husband) banged the jug down too hard and cracked it.

That's my theory, anyway.

Here this is, a refrigerator practically brand new, and it's got a crack.

Now, I couldn't exactly remember when we purchased this refrigerator, so I asked  Daughter, who is still young enough to like, actually, have a memory.

"2008." Came her swift reply.

See, I told you it was new.

To me, a refrigerator that is only six years old is new.

The first refrigerator in this  house was originally purchased  in 1979 as a scratch and dent, which it was.

Then, after only twenty-nine years of service, it up and died on us.

When we (quickly) transferred as much as we could to my mother's fridge and then hurried on to town to purchased a new refrigerator, I felt a little guilty. But dead is dead and we had frozen foods on the line, so purchase we did.

We spread out in the store so as to find what we wanted as quickly as possible. All three of us, independently  of each other, picked out the same refrigerator.

It was obviously meant to be.

When the Refrigerator Delivery Men delivered our new fridge, they also offered to take off the old one for us at no extra charge.

I was appalled when they set down the new one next to the old one. Had our old darlin' really looked that bad?

Why, yes it had.

The aforementioned Refrigerator Delivery Men were astounded that our old refrigerator was twenty-nine years old.

"Lady," and I quote one of them, "You will never, ever, ever have a refrigerator last that long again."

They then reverently toted the old gal out.

We said a tearful good-bye to our faithful friend.

No sir, I guess they don't make refrigerators like they used to.

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