A new television show debuted in the 1970's giving us a new super hero, "Manic Man", also known as Mork. "Mork and Mindy" was a huge success and introduced us to one Robin Williams.
If you have ever watched Robin Williams more than, say, thirty seconds, it was obvious he could barely stay in his own skin.
Was this man brilliant? Oh, yes. His mind was quick silver, and his mouth was able to keep up with it, filled with humor, intelligence, sarcasm and keen observations.
Being in "the business", I often gave Mr. Williams shade tree diagnoses. Manic Depressive. Addict. Hyperactivity. A dash of Aspergers.
I've wondered how much appropriate professional advice the man ignored. I know he dried out more than once. Living inside this man must have been torture at times. No wonder he drank or did drugs. I'm sure he craved calming down something fierce.
So, why didn't he get medical help to calm down instead of cocaine and alcohol and who knows what else?
Maybe he did. He stayed clean for twenty years.
Or maybe he was afraid if he calmed down all the time he would lose that unbelievable comedic timing he possessed.
I don't know.
It's just profoundly sad that a man who brought so much laughter and joy to others was unable to achieve that blessing for himself on a level that would have given him great satisfaction.
I want to say rest in peace, Robin Williams.
God knows you never have been able to before.
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