Saturday, July 19, 2014

Making A List And Checking It Twice

I was checking all my lists - I have a chore list that has everything that everyone needs to do. This list never gets completed.

No matter what.

There are all sorts of excuses  reasons for this - the weather, the mood, the ability of the day, time, and the big one: Laziness.

Procrastination drives me crazy. Even when I do it. But it happens quite often. I've found the more time you have to do stuff, the less stuff gets done.

So, I should have called a certain book store weeks ago. Still haven't.

Husband should have painted the numbers on the house for our address, but still hasn't.


I have some mending that needs to be. There is a wonderfully talented woman who can do it. I just need to call her, pick a time and take my stuff. This has been needing done for months.

Are there other slugs out there with this dilemma? 

Is there a pall of lethargic, apathetic, fuzzy brained dullards out there that are nodding their heads yes, oh,yes as they read?

I am afraid so, Dear Reader.

We have met the dullards and they are us.

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