Do ya'll remember the little German woman, Dr. Ruth Westheimer? She was on the radio, a psychiatrist I think. She talked about sex all the time and that got her on the television talk show circuit. Everyone called her "Dr. Ruth".
She was bordering on elderly at the time, and called herself a sexologist. She had a heavy German accent, which made her the perfect psychiatrist, of course. (At least to the media)
I looked her up, and as best I can tell, she is still living at age 86.
This makes me sad because I said she was "bordering on elderly" before I looked her up. In the 1980's she would have been in her fifties and that ship has now sailed for me.
I need a moment of silence.
Perspective really is everything.
Anywho, She became so popular, that she had her own greeting card line. They were funny and she wrote a little note on the inside, using her own handwriting.
So, one day I am browsing through greeting cards looking for one for Husband and I run across these. Thinking it would be funny to send him one, as we were both in the mental health field, I opened it up to read the text and I almost dropped my Dr. Freud talking doll.
Her handwriting is exactly like Husband's.
I kid you not.
Let me know what you think about that.
What do I think, you ask?
Well, for once, I was speechless.
Still am, for that matter.
Friday, July 18, 2014
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