Or the end of 2013, either way, my parties are about the same.
We had seventeen people in our house last night. I think my living room is big until I try to cram seventeen people in it.
And loud. Boy, was my house loud last night. We filled four tables with pizza, drink, desserts and mucho conversation.
Laugh? Wow. My ribs are sore, and I'm not kidding. I laughed at what people said, what they didn't say, response to what others were saying, others laughter....and kids response.
We did the "tell us five facts about you, one of the "facts" being a lie, and we have to figure out which is the lie". You find out a bunch of stuff about people this way. Attacked by a raccoon? Really? Truth. Weighed over four hundred pounds at one time? True? You? Nah....but true. Questioned by the Secret Service - truth (that was me.)
We all know each other, but obviously not as well as we thought!
It was sweet to see a baby again in Daughter's high chair. Made my heart swell a little.
Good conversation, lots of laughter, and good food mixed with love makes for good medicine.
And a Merry Christmas.
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