Monday, December 2, 2013

Alarmed and Frustrated

Daughter and I have spent the majority of the day on the telephone with doctor's offices. Not just one office, mind you, but six of 'em.

If that doesn't make you sick, they don't deserve to be called doctors.

Daughter got a disturbing call that a test came back abnormal. We cried, prayed, and consulted nurse friends who said not to worry (the doctor's office said the same thing), that it was probably a false positive.


She's also having some other issues, as am I.

I said sarcastically that apparently it was up to our family to support the entire North Georgia Medical Field.

This was the day we were supposed to be decorating the Christmas Tree.

Well, the day ain't over, so I am about to go forth and be merry, dang it.

Prayers from you, dear reader are greatly appreciated.

Until tomorrow,

The Calm and Stoic Blogger

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