Monday, September 23, 2013

Bad Things Come in Threes

I've heard this superstition all my life.

Now, most superstitions I can shrug off. They seem pretty silly to me. But this one is harder to ignore, because, well, because it seems to be true, dagnab it.

I've seen tragedies in families in threes more often than not.

If we break a glass or dish in the kitchen, it doesn't seem to let up until three things have been broken.

I cut my hand last week. Then I bruised it badly. Then some weird insect bit me on the very same hand.

We had car trouble. Then again, different car. Then AGAIN, different car.

My parents had three children.


I looked up on google  researched thoroughly where this alleged superstition came from. It seems that Americans think in threes. (signed, sealed, delivered - ready, set, go -  three strikes, you're out - third time's the charm, etc.)

Indians (Native Americans) like the number four better and Chinese like the number five.

If we're talking about bad things coming, I'll take number three any day.

I read that servants used to deliberately break two fairly worthless things after one valuable thing had been broken, so as to ward off other valuables crashing to the floor.

I wonder what they did if a loved one died...

I guess the moral of that story is never have three servants. Hire two or four, right off the bat.

And me? Well, I'm gonna start breaking the cheap stuff from  now on.

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