Monday, June 3, 2013

How Love Handles Love Handles and Other Add - Ons of Aging

It seems America gets more and more youth oriented every year. People are going to any and all measures to look younger, if at all possible.

Some of them have tried so hard they look like youthful aliens.

The only middle age thing men had cornered the market on was love handles. And now that women buy low slung pants, they too have the gobby inner tube look.

Not me, sister. I tuck all my fat into my pants and zip em up all the way to the waist. That's one fashion statement I ain't a slave to.

For we women, it seems there are more things that sag and bag and wrinkle than on men.

I blame most of this on having and raising children.

My belly was already rather, um, round when I had back surgery. Cutting the major muscles slap in two did not help this situation in the least.

No wonder women's stomachs aren't the same after having a baby. After all, that part of the body is stretched out until it looks as though one has swallowed a beach ball.

Daughter weighed in a little over nine pounds. When I am receiving sympathetic nods as I lament about this to someone while in her presence, she always says, "But I'm adopted."

I hate how smart-mouthed the younger generation has become.

Anywho, we have bosoms that droop, where men do not (well, most men don't). We don't have beards to hide the sagging, crepey skin of the neck. (well, most women don't).

Even skinny women, while still in their twenties, begin the wave of the underarm. Men don't have sagging underarms until they are ninety. If then.

You try raising a kid from infancy to age seventy-five or so, worry about why they are crying, what the fever is about, will they learn to talk/walk/read/do math/leave home/sign up for social security, and see if you don't get a wrinkle or two.

And while we are on the subject, old age spots make lovely additions to any rings. I don't have these yet, but Husband does. I know that's the next thing coming my way.

Youth really is fleeting. Faster than a speeding bullet.

But then we never believe it when we are in the throes of youth. It may  have happened to every other generation. But not this one!  And then one day ya look in the mirror and youth has actually fled.

For a long time, though, we can look around, and someone, somewhere, is older and worse looking than we are. And by the time that is no longer true, one of two things is true.

1. Senility has set in and it no longer matters.

2. We are so tickled to still be up and about we don't give a gnat's rear end what we look like anymore.




I was afraid of that.

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