Headline in a Reader's Digest Article: SCORPIONS: Crush Cancer
It goes on to say that their venom added to a molecule that glows under a special light helps surgeons when removing cancerous brain tumors. Apparently it only spotlights malignant cells, so that surgeons can remove every single bit of the cancer, leaving all healthy tissue intact.
It is hopeful this will be used successfully to illuminate prostate, breast, colon, and some skin cancers.
I mean, really? The hated, gross, evil-looking, evil-doing invaders of my house are good for something?
Somehow, that makes me mad. Couldn't it be Butterfly spit instead that does this?
I hate scorpions so much, I've always said they were good for nothing, and have firmly believed it.
Until now.
I hope they have to kill 'em to get the venom.
They are welcome to the scorpions that invade my house.
But the scientists have to come quickly.
Like live-in-their-car-right-outside- my- house -and -be- at-my-door- in-less-than-thirty-seconds quickly.
A girl has her limits, after all.
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