Random stuff:
Daughter threw apple peels off the back porch, which is on the second story. She went back a few minutes later to throw onion peels out and called to us. A small, grey fox was eating the apple peels. He looked me square in the eye once, but kept on munching. Occasionally, he'd walk a few steps off, ears pointed forward as though being called, but would come back immediately and eat. He did this until the apple peels were gone.
He was very young, smaller than our cat. He was solid grey except for a small patch of red on his back.
We were all very excited because a fox is a rare thing to spot.
I was looking at a catalogue and noticing they used the same three women over and over. It's a family owned business and I wondered if the models were part of the family.
When I was younger - okay, young - I often had people tell me I should be a model.
It wasn't because of my great beauty (shut up), but rather because I was tall and thin and had good skin and hair.
But I do not photograph well. My facial features are small. Eyes are deep set and my nose is narrow at the bridge. I have really high cheek bones, too, so trying to get a pair of glasses to fit without sitting on my face has always been nigh impossible. My lips are thin, too.
I've read that your nose and ears keep growing all your life, so at least I started out small there.
Anyway, when you take a picture of me, all my features are squinched up and I look sorta like Miss Piggy.
I was at Mother's last night. She was bound and determined to find a mysterious white box that holds all these new gowns she's been saving up for twenty years for hospital stays. Daughter was unable to locate them a few weeks ago when Mother finally had a hospital stay.
So we looked on shelves and under clothes on closet floors and went through all sorts of bags and boxes. We did not find a plethora of new nighties, but we did find a new slip and a pair of panties.
Mother said, and I quote, "Now don't forget where we put these. When I die you can take them to the undertaker for me to be buried in."
She never mentioned any other clothes, so I guess she'll be the talk of the town when she's opened up for the viewing.
Have you ever noticed when something comes up in the news about how bad Pit Bulldogs are, there are an equal number of stories that come out about how good they are?
Apparently some mother left a toddler alone with their male Pit and the dog killed the child. In the defense of the dog, who knows what a toddler does to a doggie when mama ain't looking. No matter, you should never leave a dog alone with a child, and certainly not a male dog.
So, the next day this story comes out about how a woman and her little girl are being robbed and a Pit bull comes out of no where and attacks the robber who finally runs off. The Pit, a female, hops in the car with them when they start to leave, so they take her home, claim her as their own, naming her 'Angel'.
Mike Huckabee's commentary today was hilarious. I won't go into details here, but if you want to laugh out loud, I recommend it.
Well, that's all the news that is the news, or else I'll start telling you what I had for dinner.
Monday, May 6, 2013
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