I'll never forget the moment I became a mother. I had found out in October and in May we purchased all the baby furniture and got to work creating a nursery for our Daughter. She was born in June.
I remember the first time I held her, how she 'just fit', how we marveled how much she looked like my niece who had been born fourteen weeks prior. How her head and hair color and eyes were just like Husband's. How, at almost a month, when she smiled for the first time, she had only the one dimple in her left cheek, just like me. How all that dark hair fell out and came back blonde, like mine.
She was a big baby, weighing over nine pounds, one ounce more than Husband had weighed at birth. An early talker, a late walker.
Telling jokes by the time she was two, her sense of humor delighted us.
As she has grown older, her cheekbones are high, like mine, she is very pale, like me. She is tall, like me, and skinny, like me (was). People don't know if they are speaking to me or to her over the phone, and sometimes Husband can't tell either, if he's in the other room.
She sings like I do, writes like I do, and draws like Husband. She hates math (who doesn't, in our house?)
She's mine, all mine.
Okay, she's really the good Lord's, who gave her to me for a season, to raise her in a godly home, to teach her His ways and to love her as He loves her.
And I hope I have done that.
And Daughter, I also hope that she - your birth mother - would be proud and pleased with me, for I know she couldn't help but feel that way about you.
Daughter, I love you more than life.
I thank God every day for you, the gift you are.
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