Monday, April 22, 2013

Which one are you?

Anytime you hear my Mother utter the question, "Now, which one are you?" generally means trouble.

I'll give you this, sometimes it simply means which doctor/nurse/aide or you, or which daughter are you of so and so.

But almost never. Generally, and almost always, it is in regards to that delightful double digit delivery called twins.

While still in the ER, a young woman came in, looking at me, mouth open, about to say something to me.

I was thinking, "She looks familiar...", when my mother took over, having recognized the woman's great-grandfather.

I kid you not.

She asked which one she was, because she is a twin. She told my mother "I'm Zoe." (I've changed their  names to protect privacy and also because I can only remember one of their names....)

After ascertaining whether she was the one who had married the Jones boy (she was not, that was her twin), she informed Zoe that her great-grandfather on her father's side was a brother to my mother's grandmother on her mother's side.


They had siblings who were twins!

Zoe allowed she knew there were other twins in the family a few generations back, and seemed pleased to find out we were all related.

Then she turned to me (finally) and said she used to go to our church and that her mother brought her children to our Wednesday night program sometimes. When she said that, it clicked and I remembered her children.

They are twins.

Mother then told her that she herself had twin boys (the boys are pushing fifty) and that the boy sitting next to me was one of the twins' son.

And that, in fact, her husband's (my daddy) father had siblings that were twins, and so did my father's mother's family!

She also mentioned another set of twins who never made it to life, but were miscarriages.

This twin, aka Zoe, left and in a few moments, you guessed it, the other twin "Cloe" showed up.

She's the one married to the Jones boy.

We went through all this again, except by now my niece was sitting where my nephew had been, but that's okay because her daddy is the other twin.

And if you understood any of that, you need to see somebody!

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