At dusk today, I saw something I’d never seen before.
It amazes me, that after fifty-nine years, ninety days, seven hours and some change, I can still see things I’ve never seen before, without going to some exotic location.
Daughter and I were coming home around 7:45. We slowed down as we approached a field, because deer oftentimes jump off the bank in front of cars and run into the field, especially at this time of day.
“Wow! Look at all of them!” One of us exclaimed.
We tried to count how many does were in the field, but it was impossible. Maybe twelve, maybe twenty, maybe more.
We stopped the car and watched them.
Some of them froze, as deer do, sensing, we thought, our presence. But a whole bunch of them took off at full speed. We assumed, once again, it was because of us.
But up field, the whole heard made a u-turn and headed back our way. As they got close to the standing deer, they suddenly dispersed, and running full tilt, each one of them “took on” an immobile deer. They bumped the other deer's rear flank with their shoulder. Then the unmoving deer would turn suddenly and they would both leap up on their hind legs, parry, dancing around one another. Then the pair would take off, tagging another pair, and so on, until they had a large group, who would tear off up field again, leaving a certain number frozen in place. The herd would do another beautiful u-turn, head back toward us, and the dance would begin again.
It dawned on us they were simply playing. They were having a delightful time. I expected a soccer ball to appear at any moment. Or one of them cry out, "Tag! You're it!"
This game went on over and over as we watched. They were still at it when we drove away.
Probably so.
But let me tell you, they were having a blast while they did whatever dance you want to call it.
Man, you could feel it. You could feel it.
You could feel the joy.
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