You know, God chooses to do things the hard way a lot, it seems. At least, it seems that way to me, in my life. I do say that once I agree, it becomes easier, because He enables me to do the task at hand.
So I figure He really had to stay close to Mary and Joseph though all that ordeal.
I often think about poor Mary. The backlash she must have experienced. How her parents must have felt when she told them she was pregnant.
Here she was, engaged, legally bound to this man, and the kid ain't his.
She's a teenager, and although that meant something very different then, she was still very young.
And poor Joseph. He must have been stunned. How could this be true (not that she was pregnant with God, but how could she have betrayed him?)
The decision he saw himself faced with. Stone her to death? No, he couldn't do that. Not to his Mary. Even if she had done this - this - horrible thing to him.
And how terrifying for him, for Gabriel to appear and tell him Mary really wasn't lying. She hadn't had sex with someone else. She was a vessel to carry the Son of God.
Mind blowing. Life altering.
Such relief Mary must have felt when Joseph came to her and stood by her side. Her parents probably felt relief, too. Embarrassed, sure, as Joseph's parents were. But they were legally bound, they'd made a mistake, and they were making it right by finishing up the marriage and giving this baby a name.
Or perhaps they believed. We don't know.
We do know Mary visited her cousin Elizabeth, probably before she told Joseph.
And received confirmation when Elizabeth opened the door. She knew - and even more miraculous - the baby within her knew and lept for sheer joy!
If I'd been Mary, I probably would have thought, "It really is true! I'm not losing my mind!"
But Mary may have been much more secure in what God had said to her. Either way, the confirmation must have been very welcome.
And then comes the decree from the good old interfering government that everyone has to go to their ancestral home to be taxed.
Eighty miles, probably on foot, or maybe a donkey. And Mary so far into the pregnancy she must have been miserable after the first of those eighty miles.
Think of it ladies. When you were in the last month of your pregnancy, could you have walked eighty miles?
You know the story. Not a hotel room to be found. Finally someone took pity on them and offered them a stable where the animals were. At least they had a place to stop. Maybe there was clean hay and Joseph could try and make a bed for Mary.
She was in labor. Nobody there but her and Joseph, who probably wasn't exactly mid-wife material.
I know what would have been going through my mind, "At least I know the baby will live", because after all, He was God's son.
And poor, poor Joseph. Can you image how terrified he was?
And even after the baby was born, and Mary seemed like she would live, he had the daunting fact in front of him: Joseph would be responsible for being the earthly father to the Son of the Living God.
And that was just the beginning. No telling what they felt when that Heavenly host showed up
Merry Christmas, ya'll.
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