We all have habits, good and bad. Sometimes we don't know how those habits started.
I became aware of something I have been doing for a long time the other morning, and decided to stop:
We have an angel blowing a trumpet that hangs over our coffee cups in the pantry. I straighten the mugs every morning, then tap the angel.
I thought, "How silly. Stop that. Why in the world did I ever start?"
Two days later, the angel fell off the nail, landing on the cups.
I remembered that it was a shallow little hole where the nail fit, and if you didn't press on it, it would work its way off and fall. I resumed my habit.
Husband's mother stepped on a certain rock on her way to the garden every day of her life. We asked her why, since she had to side step to get to it, and she couldn't remember. Husband's father had placed it there years ago, as it was flat and smooth and made a good stepping stone, though it wasn't really needed there. Perhaps she stepped on it to remind her of the sweet things he did. I don't know.
That rock now resides in our rose garden.
I have a certain routine that I follow when I first get up, but I'm not sure that's habit. I think that's called trying to function when you are still half asleep.
I like to write at my desk top computer. I just can't seem to do it as well (shut up) on the lap top inside the house.
Husband's habits, of course, are just annoying. Not like mine, which are cute and precious.
Looks like he'd learn from me, being married for over 30 years. But I guess some people are slow learners.
So your homework for today (that's one of his annoying habits - when he wants you to do something for learning, he says, "Your homework for today") is to reflect on your habits and figure out which ones you need to toss.
You're welcome.
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