Friday, August 31, 2018

Whass Happnin

The end of the beginning is in sight: My book has been sent to the printers for the "real" book to be done. I received the hard proof and spent a great deal of time going over it. Made a few corrections and now it's sent back.

Who knows? We may be birthin' a book in the next month or two.

Mother turned 89 Monday. That makes me old and her really old. But like she said, she never expected to still be here, and who knows? She might still be here next year.

I am leading a workshop on writing come September 15. I think we'll have some fun. I am no means an expert, but I've been 'round the publishing block a time or two, and I am old (as mentioned in above paragraph), so maybe I have a bit to offer. I'm certainly looking forward to sharing and learning a thing or two myself!

We hope we might even get a real 3 day vacation in the next month or two, it's been about five years. I can't travel far, but a few hours I can manage. More about that will be revealed, if it ever even happens. I ain't packed my suitcase yet!

Well, I guess that's it for the day. Just wanted to send an update on the lifestyles of the unknown and unfamous.

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