All marriages have their ups and downs. Fortunately, Husband and I have had more ups than downs.
But there is one day that stands out from all our nearly 33 years of marriage as a great big old down.
The day before Daughter's fifth birthday.
The day we put a swing set together.
It came in about 30 pieces, or more.
And on a good day, Husband nor myself knows a monkey wrench from a real live monkey.
It wasn't pretty.
We got to talking about this at Christmas when everyone was reminiscing about years past when they had spent Christmas Eve putting tricycles, bicycles, and what have you together and staying up until it was time for the little ones to get up, desperate to finish whatever it was they'd started at 9:00 p.m. the night before.
Husband says he remembers struggling with a little wooden scooter thing Daughter sat on and scooted across the rooms. (sort of like a bike without wheels). I vaguely remember the scooter, but he must have gone through that alone, as I don't remember anything about it.
Poor man.
I noticed that most of the reminiscing was done with a lot of smiling.
I guess we do forget the pain as time goes on.
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