Monday, July 31, 2017

Teeny Tiny Houses

When we built our house in 1987, people expressed concern over it because it was so small with only two bedrooms and one and a half baths. 

The concern was resale value (but we had no intention of selling, we told everyone and they just shook their heads). You never know what might happen. Well, that's true. And you never know what might not happen, either.

Our house finished was 1698 square feet. Now, granted, this was when all the McMansions were being built, the bigger the better. I mean, so what if you couldn't pay for it, right?

We have since added a sun room, bringing the square footage to just under 2000 square feet. Still considered a "cottage" in the Victorian era, and also for a lot of people today.

But now, ladies and gentlemen the challenge is to live in what they are calling tiny houses. Like a square foot, maybe. 

Seriously, they range from nearly no square feet to no square feet. Like, 148 square feet to 450 square feet. My kitchen is 275 square feet. It's an eat in, but still. That gives you some idea, especially if you've tried to squeeze in more than three people at the same time around the stove/sink area.

And here's the kicker: These tiny doll houses cost up to $100,000.00 to build. That's right. Count the zeros. 

Now, I am a little claustrophobic, I admit. And thinking about living in a whole house possibly smaller than my kitchen with Husband, Daughter, 3 cats and a dog makes me short of breath. And the article I read mentions lots of cats and dogs in the home. 

My hat is off to these people, though. Good for them. I guess.

But me, I like just a little elbow room.

I bet they don't cuss the cat much, though. Ain't room enough to cuss a - well, you know.

*This blog brought to you by the worlds "square feet"

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