You know how when you are looking for something and never find it, but find other neato peachy keen stuff?
Well, that's what I did.
By the way, if anyone knows where all my elementary school class photos are, please let me know.
I know they are all together. I vaguely remember putting them somewhere else when running across them a year or so ago. They'd been in the same spot for 40 years, but you know how it is...
Anyway, I did find my high school graduation photo: I am in the fourth row from the top, third from the right. This isn't the whole class because the pic was too big to scan.

I also found a "Bobcat's Den" newspaper. it was the last edition of my senior year, so they did a lot of senior stuff. One was what made up the perfect senior girl and I got : complexion. They knew me by: my short stories. they also had a fake reporter to "looked us up twenty years after graduation to see where we were": I was the mother of four children working part time at "the opera house". they also gave seniors an opportunity to do their last will and testament before leaving the high school life forever. Mine read as follows: I, Kathi Harper, leave my height to Denise Davis. I leave my place in the office 6th period to anyone who is in need of losing weight. I leave my short story writing to anyone who likes to be censored and my typewriter to anybody that can perform miracles. I give my peace of mind to all the weirdos around here. And lastly, I just leave.
I read this to daughter and she said, "Well, I see you haven't changed one little bit."
I didn't know whether to thank her or be insulted. But it did leave me thinking: I'm afraid she's right.
Here's the rest of the senior picture, in case you are looking for yourself:
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