Saturday, July 23, 2016

Extra! Extra! Read All About It!

If you are like me, it's becoming almost unbearable to watch news or read headlines.

But occasionally, I see something in the corner of my eye; I can't resist it, and I read. 

Well, by golly, if I read it, so can you.

Example 1: A man in China was sold two puppies from a guy who told him they would grow into being fine guard dogs. The fellow who purchased the animals said he couldn't keep them fed enough, they were constantly hungry and costing him a great deal of money. As they grew bigger, bigger, and still bigger, he either consulted someone or perhaps someone visited - briefly - but long enough to tell them those weren't dogs, they were bears.

Example 2: I only read the headline because really; I just couldn't bring myself to read the rest:  "Chattanooga attorney shot while breaking into elderly couple's home and throwing house plans at them".

Yeah. That's what I thought, too.  

Later, dudes and dudettes.

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