Friday, May 27, 2016

Forty-four Years and Counting

Today  marks the 44th anniversary of my high school graduation.

Somebody please tell me this is a joke. How could I have graduated before I was born?

I only look fortyish. As long as I am in soft light several feet away on a cloudy day. But hey, I take what I can get.

I remember the graduation ceremony like yesterday. I sang the class song. We were all nervous. We were the first class to graduate in the new stadium and it was a beautiful evening for it. I think this was the only time my daddy heard me sing in person. He was always at work when I did chorus and he never came to church, so...this was it.

And what's up with convertible cars? Everyone of 'em is driven by a balding geezer, with a bleached blonde of questionable age (and no, it's not me) beside him.

The only time I recall riding in a convertible was when I was around seven or eight. My cousin's daddy had just purchased it. He also purchased himself a divorce shortly after that, not that I'm saying the two are related.

And I am a geezer, and my hair is not quite as blonde at the roots as it is elsewhere, so don't get all up in my grill about what I said.

I've been watching the bird feeders this morning: 3 Goldfinches, 1 Indigo Bunting and two humming birds.

Since we now have a porch that is screened (yay) the cats are lolly gagging out there. They watch the birds, but seem to know they can't get to them, so why bother.

Now, bugs are a different matter. Mimi gets all twitterpated when she sees a bug.

Well, let's get back to porch settin' and bird watchin'. 

Okay, let's really get back to working on that novel.

Now, mush!

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