Tuesday, March 8, 2016

I'm Offended!

Before I commence on the "real" blog, I hope you have noticed that I have not blogged in more than a week. I haven't been on blogger vacation, it's just that a lot has been going on that's too boring to even blog about, so you know it's really, really boring stuff.

Anyway, in looking at the news and the real news, a.k.a. facebook, I have come to the conclusion that I am just not offended enough.

Everyone as of late seems to be deeply offended by at least one thing a day. 

I simply don't have it in me.

The latest was Land's End catalog. They interviewed Gloria Steinem.  Apparently they are pushing a new line of clothing and thought interviewing her (among others to come or perhaps were to come) would give the readers a fresh look at their stuff.


Instead, people were deeply offended. Mostly, I think, because she is pro-abortion.

They lost a boat load of business. Churches who ordered their school uniforms cancelled. Pro-lifers who stated they were steady customers in letters to the catalog explained they would be customers no more. 

I understand you can no longer see her interview on their website, nor can  you read the article. It is as though it never happened. Well, except in their giant drop in sales, that is.

Speaking of abortion, that's about the only thing that really offends me.

Explain to me how a pregnant woman coming out of the Seven/Eleven gets shot and the shooter is charged with 2 murders, but the same woman can waltz on down the street (not shot, of course) and have an abortion of the same baby, and it isn't considered murder, but a "woman's right"?

Me? I think we are sacrificing our children every day and calling it our "right". 

But other stuff?  

Not so much.

I may not think it's right. I may not like the color or the size. I may think it's a sin, even. But that's between you and God. Unless you want my opinion (please, please don't ask) you won't hear from me. 

Besides that, I've learned that generally people who ask your opinion are asking because they want to fight about it.

I'm too old for that sh-stuff.

Now just watch. I'll probably get all offended tomorrow.

It's bound to happen.

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