We came home the other evening, and as I passed by Daughter's room, I saw two of our cats, Mimi and Frost, staring intently behind the Chest of Drawers.
"There's something in your room," I said to Daughter.
She looked, said, "I don't see anything."
So, I went on my merry way.
Shortly thereafter, I thought I heard Daughter hollering, "Ow, Ow, Ow!" Not in a terribly injured way, just semi dramatic, so I went about my business. Then I heard, "Ow! Mama! Ow!"
I walked into her room, "What?"
"Mouse! Mouse! Mouse!"
Oh. Sometimes being hearing impaired can be fun.
"I told you there was something back there."
She got a flashlight and had taken a better look and found two little eyes staring back at her.
Then she wanted to know what to do. I suggested leave the cats to it. Meanwhile, Eli, my big bruiser Maine Coon Cat strolled by, sniffed, shrugged and walked into the bathroom and sat down by the food bin. He arched a brow as if to say, "I don't eat mouse. Put some food in my dish."
Daughter continued hollering. "Daddy! Daddy! Mouse! Come here!"
Husband arrives upstairs and shoos the cats out of the room.
Wait. What?
"Why are you doing that?" I ask.
"I don't want the cats to catch it. I'll set traps tonight."
Praying the cats don't get hurt in the traps,I give up. He promises the room will be closed up so the cats can't get in.
The next morning, the mouse has had a fine breakfast of cheese and peanut butter and is resting comfortably somewhere in the house.
I think I heard it burp.
Daughter says it is 'sorta cute'. It must be a field mouse, as she describes it as about an inch long. It probably came in with the stored Christmas decorations or came in while we had the door open toting said decorations into the house.
All this was a few days ago, and we havent' seen hide nor hair of the mouse.
But I feel certain we will.
Friday, December 18, 2015
There's a Mouse in the House OR I Hate Meeses to Pieces...You Pick
Christmas decorations
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