As ya'll know, I am a dang cripple. Some days worse than others, some days worse than that.
Anyway, at night, or even when I have to rest during the day, I have a thing with pillows. Husband calls it my nest, I call it just tryin' to get fixed.
There is the pillow under the covers at the foot of the bed that I can press my feet against to stop pain in the soles. There is a heated thingie on top of said pillow, and a pillow on top of that on top of the covers to help hold the heat in.
There is the pillow that I put between my legs that must be long enough to allow my to feet rest on it, and go past my knee joints, so that my hips are properly aligned.
Then, of course, there is the pillow under my punkin head.
By the time I get situated with all this, I am panting. Who knew lying down at night could be so hard?
And, then, I have to turn over.
It's a wonder there is any room left for Husband. Not to mention Frost, Eli and Mimi, which comes to about fifty two pounds of feline.
But we manage.
However; if you are thinkin' on askin' for a spend-the-night party at my house, be sure you bring a sleeping bag.
It's that or the couch.
And, by the way; for some strange reason, we have no spare pillows, so you'll have to bring your own.
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