I received an advertisement in the mail promising me a cure all for everything!
Stopped up drains! Headaches! Body pain! Spelling issues!
You name it, whatever the problem, this cured it.
Believe it or not, it wasn't the outlandish promises that turned me off as much as all the exclamation points!
Yes! It's true! So many drive me nuts!!
When I wrote the novel, "The Year of Nine: Where the Rain Begins", I used a lot of exclamation points.
I struggled with this a great deal in the beginning, but the book is written first person by a nine year old. And nine year olds think and talk with a lot of exclamation points. At least I did, and the ones I know presently do, too.
So I went ahead and followed my gut instinct and used exclamation points.
Although the rule is: careful with the exclamation points, they are annoying; there is an exception to every rule.
How 'bout that!
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