Friday, June 19, 2015

What's Left Behind

Those of you who know me, and many who don't know me well, know I love my cat.

Now, we have three cats. One for me, one for Husband and one for Daughter.

My cat is Eli. He is a white Maine Coon. He weighs around twenty pounds. He is not only a stunning specimen, he is alpha animal, territorial, possessive regarding me, and sweet as surgar when he lies upon my chest, purring.

Putting it simply, he is my boy.

One thing he isn't, is brushable. He cannot tolerate being combed or brushed; never could, even when he was a two pound kitten. The vet says he has very sensitive skin (like someone who is tender headed, I guess.)

The sad and pathetic result of this is matting of his fur. It has been pretty bad before, but this time it was terrible. And letting it ride a couple of weeks too long due to illness and injury didn't help any.

So, today, we went to the vet for mat removal.

After a bit of sculpting by the vet. tech., this is what we left with them. The rest of Eli came home with me.

Looks like a polar bear rug. Or a flattened fuzzy dog.


May it rest in peace.

And may Eli grow a new, shiny, unmatted coat before winter.

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