Saturday, May 2, 2015


I admit it, I am a caldiumaholic. 

I know there is no such word, but I am one anyway.

I love plants, and caladiums are my favorite. I read that there are over 1000 variations of their leaf colors, but I've only seen seven or eight.  My favorite one is a medium green with bright red specks all over it. It is hard to find.

I bought coughs, er, some yesterday, along with a Boston Fern and four or five other types of plants.

I have two porches, and I live in the south. I must have lots of plants on each porch, right? 

Of course I'm right.

I didn't see any geraniums, but I'll get one if I run into one later on.

I saw lots of begonias. My grandmother loved begonias. I can't grow 'em, I can only kill 'em.

I even avoid glancing at them at garden centers for fear my gaze will murder them all with one fell swoop.

We brought the truck load home, and of course I had to go lie down because the concrete floors are a no-no for me. (But I have to, once a year, you know - caladiums.)

Poor Husband worked a steady afternoon potting plants and re-potting some that needed attention from the long winter in the sun room.

My porches look gorgeous. 

Come by and sit a spell.

Husband will join us as soon as he recovers. Early autumn is my estimation.

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