I went down to the lower porch this afternoon because it is piled high with junk and Husband and I were going to decide what to pitch.
Husband wasn't there yet, and I was standing with my hands in my back pockets, surveying the mess and visualizing how it was going to look.
For some reason, I glanced down, and sliding by the front of my toes was a snake.
A long snake. Maybe not quite six feet, but certainly as long as I am tall. (5' 8").
Believe this if you will, but I didn't get scared at all. I asked it what kind it was (I figured I better get scared if it talked and said it was poisonous, or if, like, you know, would I like a nice piece of juicy fruit).
I knew I was making it nervous, because it was slithering as fast as it could to the opposite wall, and began to cautiously climb the wall.
I called to Husband. I said, "Snake. Hurry."
He did.
He determined it was a King Snake, which is what I thought also.
After we walked off, as it was obvious the snake was getting more and more agitated, we heard a loud thump.
Husband went back and the snake was hanging over the top of a window that was leaned up against the wall. The snake wasn't moving and we feared it had died.
Husband took a long (notice I said long) pole and touched Snake. He moved a bit. Husband said, "I'm going to move him to the yard. Stand back."
He got the pole up under the snake and lifted it, but it fell to the porch floor. It coiled up and raised its head, so we know it didn't die. We hope it wasn't injured.
We had a giant King Snake live at our house for years, and we never had a copperhead. The year the King Snake did not appear, the copperheads did. And we have had them ever year since.
Long live the King.
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