The phone rang a little while ago. It was my Bestie (you know who you are). Me: "Hello?"
Bestie: "From your blog to God's Ear?"
Referring to the last couple of blogs where I kinda hinted I'd like to see a couple of inches of snow. Okay, Okay, I begged for it. Pouted when I didn't get it.
So, like, today, we got some snow. Not two inches, maybe an inch. It was beautiful falling after the hard, icy stuff finished. Then we got the fat, fluffy soft stuff that is so beautiful falling, it looks like magic from the sky.
A few more lazy flakes have fallen this afternoon, even as I type.
What I did not ask for was three degree temperature tonight. I cringe to think about it.
I live in the south. I have been in a blizzard. I live in the North Georgia mountains. I have been in a hurricane.
This all goes to show you cannot trust Mother Nature, much less some half cocked ground hog.
I don't even trust the half cocked meteorologists.
Stick your arm, and if necessary, your head out the window.
What you find there is all you need to know.
So, do I still want more snow? Looks around furtively.
Well, maybe just a few more inches.
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
Let it You Know What, Let it You Know What, Let it You Know What...
ground hogs
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