You had to know I was going to blog about the temperature.
I'd be a fool not to. After all, we southerners are proud when we get really, really low or really, really high temperatures. Or snow. We really brag when we get snow.
It was 2 degrees on my back porch this morning. It did get up in the mid-twenties at some point, but I can almost feel the thermometer dropping already. It is predicted to be a 4 tonight.
More bragging rights.
We put an extra quilt on each bed last night. Our good cover keeps us warm till it gets below twenty, then we have to add on that extra quilt. It was really a three cat night at our house, but we only got one, because of the new dog.
Eli, who is the alpha cat, is furious about the dog. Lilly ignores the dog, Mimi and Frost are adapting pretty well, but Eli is slower.
When Bonnie, the dog, is not in her crate, Eli marches in it and rolls and rubs and bathes and stomps, making sure Bonnie knows he's been in there. He is Alpha, hear him mew.
Anyway, Eli isn't sleeping with me much; he's too keyed up because the dog is in the crate on Husband's side. Mimi sleeps in our bed some, but mostly she, too, is still in Daughter's room. Lilly always sleeps in her wicker basket. That leaves Frost, who gets in between Husband and me and stretches out as long as he can.
Last night to church I wore leggings, wool socks, a long john top under my sweatshirt, and my heavy jeans that are lined with flannel. I bet I weighed 8 pounds more than usual. But even with my heavy coat and hood, by the time we got to the car after church, the wind felt like it was cutting right through all them thar layers.
So, this morning 2 degrees, tomorrow 4 or less. Wow.
Yankee cousin told me it was -9 at her house this morning, plus her husband has the flu.
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