Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Second Round

I was so happy when I was over my sinus infection enough to go to the concert.

I noticed that my throat was a little sore as we were headed back to the car after the concert.

I have been smacked up the side of the head for the last few days with some I-don't-know-what, and Daughter has it, too. I won't go into details about the nasty symptoms, but it's respiratory and in the head, so you get the general drift.

All I've done is cough, sneeze, snort saline and blow. And sleep. Not at night. At night I'm up every dang hour on the hour. But during the day I can't stay upright.

Friend brought me a "home remedy" for the congestion and cough.

I now know why the Indians called it "fire water".

One teaspoon did me in. I just thought I was a staunch teetotaler. Whoo-wee!Never again. Apple Brandy, honey, and lemon juice. It smelled like fingernail polish remover. I should have known if it smelled like that I should take five paces back. But I am sick!! My judgement is off.

Husband laughed.

And another thing about this illness. I think I can get up and do something, and I start with good intentions. I really do.

But I can't seem to finish anythi

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