Brother had a super serious surgery yesterday, and this morning things are well, but he is in a lot of pain.
Daughter stayed over with Mother because Other Brother (who lives with Mother) would be getting in late from hospital stay while Brother had surgery.
Daughter suddenly had a very high fever in the middle of the night and now throat is "red with white junk on it." to quote Daughter.
She is at doctor's as we speak. Alone, because:
Me, myself got up in the middle of the night knowing something wasn't "quite right". And boy, oh boy, was I right.
Mr. Kidney Stone is having his way with me.
Me (in bathroom): "Hiss. Groan. Moan. Oh, lord! Hiss. Whimper..."
Husband: "Pretend you're at the beach."
Me: "Kiss my butt. Hissssss...groan, whimper."
And how is your morning?
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