In just a few hours it will be next year.
How the heck does that happen?
I mean, I'm doing everything like I usually do, minding my own business and POOF it's next year. Nobody asked my opinion, "Hey, lady, do you think it's okay for it to be next year yet?"
By the way, I'd say NO.
It's still 1973.
I remember being in the seventh grade and our teacher, Mrs. Dover, had us add up how old we'd be when the year 2000 rolled around. I looked at that and figured I would be so old it wouldn't matter what year it was.
I mean, seriously, somebody is doing the math wrong. 1973 can't possibly be 'back in the day'. I can't possibly be staring sixty in the face in the next few years.
Does every generation feel this way? That it may have happened to all the people before them, but won't happen to their generation?
Probably not. No generation before could have possibly been as cool as we were. I mean are. ARE.
And I'm certain it ain't happened since. Have you seen the youth of today? I'm surprised their parents let them out at all. Sheesh.
And their music - you call that music? Have you seen their hair? Their clothes? (what there is of them).
What? Yeah, I know I wore mini skirts. But I was careful. Ladylike. Sophisticated. That was different.
And our music rocked, baby.
Let's take a vote. Raise your hand if you think it should still be 1973.
Ha! I thought so.
Let's party like it's 1973....
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