I guess writing came naturally after that, the urge to do what I'd been passively participating in. So, about fifth grade I began to write short stories. I didn't have many critics among my ten year old followers, so I naturally thought I was a great writer!
Great or not, I have a drive inside me that has nothing to do with success in the publishing business. I read Stephen King's "On Writing" and felt such relief that I was not the only person on the planet that has people coming alive in their heads demanding release because they have a story to tell. I am nothing but a vessel for these folks. Many times I have no idea what's going to happen until it flows out my fingers onto the page. I will admit the relief of reading King's similar circumstances of being held hostage by these characters in our minds was tempered a little by it being - well - Stephen King. If ya know what I mean, and I think you do.
I've won some contests, some awards, and many compliments along the way. The thrill of seeing something I'd written turn into a real book that people actually purchase is almost beyond words. But of course, I can always find words.
In a few weeks, because of some weird direction of God's, I will have three books coming out together. One, "Signs from God" was finished September last year, but I couldn't seem to get the illustrator to cooperate (cough, David Hill, cough). The other novel, "Out on a Limb of the Family Tree" has been labored over off and on since 1997. It just happened to get finished last spring. And the final book, "The Christmas Closet and Other Works" came about from encouragement that folks want to buy little books about Christmas as gifts to friends, teachers, etc. The collection has stuff written years ago up to January of this year.
So, when I know dates of book signings, I'll be hollering about it. Because, even if you don't buy a book, I'm honored to see friends there. Makes my heart sing!
Photo for new release "Out on a Limb of the Family Tree"
I like your hollering. I had some comment I was going to make, but then the phone rang, and it was my mom, so of course by now I have forgotten. Nice template, love the name.